Tuesday, December 1, 2009

GAME Plan Evaluation

My game plan so far has been effective. My first goal was to model digital-age work and learning to the students. I feel that I am doing well with this because I have been able to use the clickers in my classroom that will help the students in to gain knowledge in the ever changing world. The other goal that I have set forth is to engage in professional growth and leadership. Well I feel like this will all come into effect when I am able to talk about the clickers and how they are used in the classroom on our delayed start on Thursday. I hope that the teachers in my building will be open to the new technology that I will be presenting along with a person from the district. I have had great success in using the clickers and getting the students engaged in the lessons that I hope that I will be able to show all the possibilities there are with the clickers. They are a great way to get the students excited about learning about math and applying technology.


  1. I like that idea of using clickers. I teach social studies. What do you think would be helpful if I could get my hands on some of those clickers. Do you know what something like that may cost? Are you currently employing your GAME plan in the classes you teach now or simply doing some background work? I envy your organizational skills and only hope that I can get my stuff together as you seem to do. Nice work!!!!!

  2. In our text, it talks about how students who are shy or take longer to respond to a question are given a chance when using the clickers to answer. Do you see that playing out in your classroom? WHen I have used them, it seems like the kids rush to answer. Are you worried that the popularity of the clickers after your fabulous presentation will reduce the time you get with them?

  3. Hi,
    Good luck with your presentation! I would love to hear about some of the activities that you are using with the "clickers." We have them in our school and they really do engage the students. I have been using them for quick quizzes, etc. I don't use them as often as I would like to, but hope to work on that in the future.

  4. Glad to hear things are going well. Let me know some of the things you are using in your class, I'd love some more ideas :-)

  5. Fantastic, I'm glad you are having success with the clickers. I'm sure your staff will be excited to learn all the wonderful things you are doing with your students. Keep up the great work

  6. Let me tell you, I love the clickers. I found that teachers really took to the idea of sharing assessments and lessons that they created with the clickers as it really saved time. I presented this as option to teachers and they seemed to see more value in the technology. They also saw how easy it was to get data and how much easier that can make a teacher's life. I actually devoted a page on our school district's teacher resource website that served as a collection of clicker programs by organized by grade level and state standards. We also had grade level work groups where teachers spend time creating "clicker" lessons together as a team. If teachers see the value with them, it can open a great deal of doors. Not to mention how different and exciting they are for teachers and students. I hope you get a good response from the staff. It seems like you are well on your way to accomplishing the goals you have set for yourself.
