Thursday, December 17, 2009

Week 7 GAME Plan Continued

In order for the students that I teach to understand that technology is important in all that they do I will need to model how important it is to them all the time. I am loving being able to use the SMART response clickers in my classroom. I think that they are a great tool and the kids love to be able to use them. I am a little scared that I will not know what to do when I am not able to use them on a daily basis. I use the clickers at least three days a week and at times it is every day. Not all the teachers in the building use them now so that is great for me because I get to use them all the time, but when all the teachers in the building start using them then I will have to give them up. I am not looking forward to that. I love the technology that is at my finger tips. Just sometimes when there is only a limited amount available to use I think that is limits me and the things that I am capable of doing.


  1. Desiree,

    I totally understand what you're talking about. These school districts want us to use technology as much as we can, but they can't really afford to supply everyone with it. I understand it's expensive, but if that's what things are moving towards, they are going to have to figure out what to do to get everyone using the technology.


  2. Your school will see the value of the clickers when they see how much they are getting used. My school had only three set to start the year. By semester they had six. They even bought a set that would accomodate classes of 40+ which required two boxes (like my class of 41 in choir). I guess maybe it is safer to start small and see if it works or is used before supplying more. Keep leading the way and others will follow, including your administration!

  3. Hello Desiree,
    I agree with you regarding the clickers. I was lucky that I got my clickers as part of a grant so know one can borrow them. We have a mobile Smart Board and I'm trying to convince my principal that we need to budget to get more and mount the mobile board. I can't imagine planning to use the board and clickers and someone else needing it at the same time.
    There is one school in our district that used their entire budget to purchase and mount boards for the whole school. Some of the teachers are frustrated because consumables weren't purchased but those can be scanned into the Smart Board and we can help save a few trees.
    Enjoy using your clickers. I hope you have a restful break and a Happy New Year.

  4. Hi Desiree. I share your love for the clickers as well. They are so much fun and a great timesaver. Great stuff all around!

  5. Why do you have to give them up if and when other teachers adopt them? I don't necessarily think you need to do that, but just don't be so dependent on them. It is nice to have something new in your arsenal and until the other teachers catch up, it allows you time to adopt something new. I wish I had some clickers. Have a great holiday break!!!

