Thursday, December 10, 2009

GAME Plan- Week 6

I am still in the same place that I was in looking over my GAME plan. I think that I have a pretty good understanding on how I am going to do my lesson plan and I think that it Is coming together pretty well. The goals that I have I think are coming together. I know that there are teachers that I teach with that are not proficient with the SMART Response clickers and I have been helping them to understand how to use and implement them into their classes. I hope that I will still be able to help those that are struggling and then also grow as an individual in my own knowledge of the technology.


  1. Desiree,

    That is nice of you to help the teacher's in your building that do not know everything about the clickers. I know I feel more comfortable trying new technology when there is someone who can help me work the bugs out.


  2. How do you acquire written responce answers with the use of clickers? If you use these to do in-class tests then how is it possible to do essay questions? Or, would essays be something that is gradded seperately and included in the test scores?

  3. Hey there, Desiree. That is fantastic that you are showing other how to use the clickers. I totally see what you mean about making sure you still have time to grow and keep up to date with the newest technologies when you are so busy helping others. I am in the same boat and have trouble telling other teachers that I cannot help them every time. I do find I sacrifice a great deal of my planning time helping others. Eventually, I will need to draw the line. Yet, when it all comes down to it, I find that it is for the best as it is for the benefit of the students.
