Sunday, May 31, 2009

Constructivism in Practice

Dr. Orey discusses what the constructivist learning theory and how people learn best they build an external artifact and then share it with others (Laureate, 2008). There are many things that can help students to have a better understanding of what is being taught. One that is a great resource is PowerPoint presentations. I think that PowerPoint presentations can be effective in enhancing constructivist/constructionist learning theories. PowerPoint presentations allow for students to convey their thoughts while using technology and can be used as an assessment to see if the student is grasping the concept that is being taught. It allows the students to use an artifact like discussed by Dr. Orey and then they are able to share what they have learned with others. Project based learning is a common practice in constructionist learning.

The other resource from these past weeks that I think is very useful is the virtual field trips. I think that the students will be able to experience a lot from just the virtual field trip. I am looking forward into incorporating these into my classroom next year. I had never thought about using a virtual field trip in my classroom until this class

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008). Program seven. Constructionist and Constructivist Learning Theories [Motion picture]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Baltimore: Author.


  1. Desiree,
    Until this class I had thought Virtual Field Trips were tour of museums through the internet. Now after investigating the VFT I can see what a wonderful tool for the classroom. In fact I plan on using a few of the already created trips then my students will be required to create one for another class.

    Students love creating Power Points. Allow them to convert the presentation into Photo Story to add voice and music is extremely engaging and motivating.

  2. Joy,
    I thought the same thing about Virtual Field Trips. I had no clue what they were before this class.

    That is a great idea to have the students add voice and music to their PowerPoint presentations. That would keep all the students engaged.
